Wednesday, July 31, 2019

English As A Second Language Program Essay

An ESL or English as a second Language program, as the name suggests is for students or people in general who do not speak English as their first language and have an interest in learning this language for certain reasons which may range from applying to a college or university in United states or elsewhere or they would want to get accustomed to this language for the purpose of conducting business overseas, for communication with peers at work or it can be for the simple reason of communicating with people at different situations. In this article we are going to focus on ESL programs for students at a school district, comparing and contrasting on the ways they are executed and the ways they should be executed. English as a Second Language programs for students are offered to students by either scheduling classes in between their regular course classes or they can be undertaken as a separate programs by certain individuals who are accommodated in the vicinity of the university. Today, since the ratio of international students is increasing at an alarming rate in United States or Canada, offering an ESL program is more of a legal requirement for most districts so that all students are taken forward together at university or when they enroll into one in future. It is also due to this very fact that a lot of emphasis is given to ESL programs at elementary and middle school levels to prepare students to use English as a channel of communication in future. The execution and the effectiveness of these programs however, vary with different school districts depending upon trained teacher, the program and the dedication of the students themselves. The duration and intensity of an ESL program varies with the individual or university requirement and can be full time or part time, ranging from a couple of weeks to even a year. These details as mentioned do differ, so for example the ESL program offered at the Greenwich public school which aims at providing students academic and communication skills In order for them to succeed in U.S universities as effectively as possible. The elementary school offers this program for an average 2- 4 years with one to eight hours of instruction every week depending upon the grade and language individual needs of students. The school also focuses on very small groups and emphasizes individual attention to students to better understand their weaknesses and fill I the gaps. The Greenwich Public School district has been offering ESL programs for the past 28 years and has seen an influx in the number of ESL students over the years. In the year 2004-05 approximately 731 students enrolled in the program altogether from 54 countries. The elementary school curriculum includes a variety of materials according to student needs such as work books, songs, CD’s, learning of poems, class presentations etc. this program is more content based   and strong emphasis is give on the reading aspect in this program.   The program is organized around themes and aims at teaching critical thinking along with language skills to enable success in mainstream class rooms. In more specific terms this ESL program for elementary students includes Theme based English series which includes work books, posters etc. Group activities (theme based) which tend to explore literature along with songs, activities, TPR games etc. Miami Linguistics, which are designed for ESL beginners in a sequential reading manner. In Greenwich Public School, after completing the elementary school program after reaching grade 2 or grade 3, ESL students are expected to formulate questions, read outside of class, compare materials in a text and also contrast them. They are also able to express a story in their own words with proper understanding and expressions, write small paragraphs and initiate conversations. After completing the basic ESL program for elementary school, students can decide to move out of the program or advance to higher level middle school ESL program, which has its own curriculum and particular hours to be covered aimed at developing proficiency in English language. Placement in this program is based on entry tests and educational history. After looking at the details of different ESL programs offered by various institutes, if one actually compares them with reality, one can say that ESL programs put students under a lot of stress as they try to achive excellence in a second language, therefore recreational facilities should be made affordable, also the students should be encouraged to mingle with American students in order to culturally adjust with them   and pur into practice all the theories they have learnt in   class. Also one of the most important things which teachers for this program need to understand is that students enrolled in an ESL program come from very different backgrounds and cultures, therefore the same methodoligies cannot be applied across the board for teachin purposes. Students must be carefully monitered and encouraged to use their strengths to achive succcess in the course.   (Currie, 2003) If one compares the ESL program offered by greemwich Public School with other ESL programs offered, we can say that most ESL programs are similar in conducting theme based activities, which can be selected by asking students what they want to say, moulding the curiculum in children’s interest. Also at this stage most ESL programs are content based, songs are also one of the important keys to success in most ESL progrms. One of the methods which can contribute towards the improvement of an ESL program at Greenwich is that revision of matrial is very important before every new leson taught, this can be best achived with the help of songs before proceeding forward. Each lesson should be broken down into three to four parts, starting with warm up and revision of previous material, then teaching new lesson, for example new vocabulary words etc, the third part should incorporate games or activities t practice the new lesson and the ending of a esson sholud be on a happy thankful note, referably a song. This approach has been teted at ther ESL program and has proved to be very succesful. Different approaches to learning can be adressed thorough ESL games, making learning lessions fun and more effective. Depending on the students theses ESl games can vary from auditorylearnig style in which games involve more listening through peoms or repitation etc. Visual ESL styles ca be used for students who are more comfortable with videos of games involving flash cards etc and finally tactile learnig styles can be used in which â€Å"touch† are used.   (Vernon) In conclusion, if the current ESL program in a School district is evaluated in terms of the comparisons and details mentioned above,   I would say that diverse approach towards the students is missing and teachers are adopting   a homogenous method towards all students. In my opinion more effort needs to be diverted in this angle where different games and teaching styles are used after analysing the capabilities of students and more emphasis should be place on practical learning.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Personality Notes Essay

* Personality is the unique and relatively stable way in which a person thinks, feels, and behaves. Character is value judgments of a person’s ethical and moral behavior. Temperament refers to the enduring characteristics that a person is born with. * There are four main personality theories. The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality and biological causes of personality differences. The behaviorist perspective is focused on theories of learning and the effect of the environment on behavior. The humanistic perspective focuses on a person’s life choices and experiences in personality development. The trait perspective is not concerned with how personality forms, but the end characteristics of personality. * Freud believed the mind was divided into three parts: the preconscious, the conscious and the unconscious. Conscious is where current awareness exists. Preconscious contains memories, information and events that one is easily aware of. The unconscious is where thoughts, feelings, memories and other information is kept that is not voluntarily or easily brought into consciousness. The id is the first and most primitive part of the personality. It is unconscious, pleasure-seeking and amoral. The pleasure principle is the principle by which the id functions, immediate satisfaction without regard for consequences. * The ego is the second part of personality that comes from a need to deal with reality. It’s mostly conscious, rational and logical. It functions on the reality principle, satisfying the needs of the id only when negative consequences will not result. * The final part of the personality according to Freud is the superego, which functions as a moral center. It contains the conscience, which produces pride or guilt depending on how acceptable the behavior is. * Fixation is defined by Freud as getting stuck in a developmental stage. * Psychosexual stages are the five stages of personality development that Freud tied directly to a child’s sexual development. * The first stage is the oral stage in the first year of life. The mouth is the erogenous zone. It is governed by the id. Weaning is the major conflict. * The second stage is the anal stage from 1-3 years, in which the anus is the erogenous zone and toilet training is the major conflict. Children who rebel against toilet training are said to grow into an anal expulsive personality: messy, destructive and hostile. Children who refuse to poop are said to grow into an anal retentive personality: neat, fussy, stingy and stubborn. * The third stage is the phallic stage, from 3-6 years, in which the child develops sexual feelings. Freud believed that children developed an Oedipus complex during this stage, in which they develop a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent and jealousy of the same-sex parent. Latency is the fourth stage, occurring during the school years, in which the sexual feelings are repressed in order for the child to develop in other ways. * Genital stage is the fifth stage, from puberty to death, in which the child has to come to terms with their sexual feelings. * Psychoanalysis was Freud’s term for the theory of personality and the therapy based on it. * The Neo-Freudians were followers of Freud who developed their own competing psychodynamic theories. * Carl Gustav Jung disagreed with Freud about the unconscious mind. He believed there was a personal unconscious, as Freud described, and a collective unconscious of all memories shared by the human species. Collective human memories are called archetypes. * Alfred Adler also disagreed with Freud about sexuality being the driving force of personality. He believed that as children, people felt inferior to more powerful adults and everything after that point was not seeking of pleasure, but seeking of superiority. He also developed a theory that birth order had input into personality. Karen Horney didn’t study directly with Freud, but taught his work until she left because of disagreement over penis envy, which she countered with womb envy. She didn’t focus on sexuality, but instead anxiety. She said that children are born with basic anxiety, which is created when a child is born into the bigger and more powerful world of older children and adults. Those with less secure upbringings end up with neurotic personalities, in which they have maladaptive ways of dealing with relationships. Freud did no experiments and only based his theory off of his own experiments. He took it as his right to interpret experiences of his clients as fact or fantasy depending on how they fit in his theory. * According to behaviorists, personality is no more than a set of habits. Habits are defined as a set of well-learned responses that have become automatic. * Social cognitive learning theorists focus on both the effects of other people’s behavior and of a person’s own expectancies of learning. In the social cognitive view of Alfred Bandura, behavior is also governed by cognitive processes like anticipating, judging, memory and anticipation. * Reciprocal determinism is Bandura’s explanation of how the environment, personal characteristics and behavior itself affect future behaviors. Environment includes the physical surroundings, people who may or may not be present and the potential reinforcement in the setting. Self-efficacy is one of the most important variables Bandura speaks of. It is the individual’s expectancy of how effective their efforts to accomplish a goal will be in any particular circumstance. * One important pattern of responding is the locus of control, which is the tendency for people to assume they either do or do not have control over events they experience in their own lives. Like Bandura, Rotter believed a combination of factors affected behavioral response: expectancy and reinforcement value. Expectancy is a person’s subjective feeling that a particular behavior will lead to a reinforcing consequence. The humanistic perspective is the â€Å"third force† in psychology, which focuses on aspects of personality that make people uniquely human. * Carl Rogers believed that humans are always striving to fulfill their innate capacities and abilities to become all that their genetic makeup will allow. Striving for fulfillment is called the self-actualization tendency. An important tool for this is self-concept, an image of oneself that develops from important interactions with significant people in one’s life. Self is awareness of one’s own personal characteristics and level of functioning. Two components of self-concept are real self, which is one’s perception of actual characteristics, traits and abilities, and ideal self, the perception of what one should be or would like to be. * Positive regard refers to the warmth, affection, love and regard that comes from significant others in one’s life. Unconditional positive regard has no strings attached. Conditional positive regard depends on what a person is doing. * A fully functioning person, according to Rogers, is in touch with and trusting the deep, innermost urges and feelings. The trait theories describe characteristics that make up human personality in order to predict future behavior. Traits are consistent, enduring ways of thinking, feeling or behaving. * Allport was one of the first trait theorists. He and his partner looked through the dictionary, picked words that could be traits, then narrowed it town. He believed traits were wired in to the nervous system to guide behavior. * Raymond Cattell built on that and described two types of traits, surface traits and source traits. Surface traits are easily seen by others. Source traits are more basic and form the curve of personality. Introversion is a dimension of personality in which people withdraw from excess stimulation. * The five-factor model or the Big Five is a model of personality traits that describes five basic trait dimensions. Openness is a willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences. Conscientiousness refers to the thought a person gives to organization and thoughtfulness of others; dependability. Extraversion divides people into introverts (solitary) and extroverts (social). Agreeableness is the basic emotional style of the person. Neuroticism is the degree of emotional stability or instability. * Mischel has emphasized that there is a trait-situation interaction where the particular circumstances of a situation will influence how a trait is expressed. * Behavioral genetics is the field of study devoted to discovering the genetic bases for personality traits. Several studies have found that the five factor traits have a 50% heritability over several cultures. Interviews cause the problem of false reports and the halo effect, in which a person’s personality is so good that the interviewer interprets them to be good all around, especially when that is false. * Projective tests present ambiguous visual stimulus to clients and ask them to respond with whatever comes to mind. The Rorscach inkblot test uses 10 inkblots as the ambiguous stimuli. The Thematic Aperception Test uses 20 black and white pictures of people. Projective tests are very subjective, not very reliable or valid. * Other tools for assessment are direct observation and personality inventory.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marketing Plan of Dining Hall Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Plan of Dining Hall - Research Paper Example The dining plan has been customized as per the nutritional requirements of the students and also, the preferences designed by the student body and authorities (University of Delaware, 2013a). The students have been authorized to change the dining plan after submitting the plan to the student body (University of East London, 2013).Analysis & Comparison between the Delaware University Dining & OthersThe dining services offered by Delaware University are very popular but still, the services offered by The University of Newark and Rutgers University has gained more recognition throughout the entire region.   Some of the important dining services offered by this university campus are as follows:  Newark University  Thus, it has been observed that the dining plan, ranges, meals and their prices vary accordingly to the likes and preference of the students. Most of the students in Newark University and Rutgers University campus have the authority to change the menu as per their prefere nces and it is not even a time consuming process like, that of University of Delaware. The meals in the university campus of Newark and Rutgers are popular for their timely delivery for social purposes and also, to the students in residential campus. Both the university campus dining services are more or less focused on providing student oriented dining facilities (Washington University, 2013a). The kitchen staff in University of Delaware is more focused on designing the menu as per the nutritional requirements in collaboration with the student.... ation A questionnaire was distributed to the students of various departments of the college and the staff working in the kitchen department of the four dining restaurants. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to the college student and the staff working in the kitchen departments. The results differed completely from both the survey conducted on the staff and the students. Analysis through Current Menu Offerings Apart from the distribution of survey, the current menu was analyzed and the less favored menu was identified. Current Menu of University Of Delaware Pencader Dining Hall: Home food (whole meals), Soup, Salad, Grilled, Bread, Desserts Kent Dining Hall: Italian Food, Soup, Salad, Vegetarian Food, Sour Bread, Desserts Rodney Dining Hall: Wholesome meal in chicken and vegetarian meal, Soup, Salad, Noodles, Bread, Desserts Russell Dining Hall: Wholesome home meal, Soup, Salad, Grilled, Bread, Desserts The above menu is standardized for all the restaurants but all of them have different food items and the nutritional content is displayed in the official website. The first year students and the fresher are supposed to choose their dining plan as suggested by the college authorities (Tsai & Lin Lin, 2013). The dining plan has been customized as per the nutritional requirements of the students and also, the preferences designed by the student body and authorities (University of Delaware, 2013a). The students have been authorized to change the dining plan after submitting the plan to the student body (University of East London, 2013). Analysis & Comparison between the Delaware University Dining & Others The dining services offered by Delaware University are very popular but still, the services offered by The University of Newark and Rutgers University has

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Dangers of the Internet Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dangers of the Internet Pornography - Essay Example However, watching internet pornography is dangerous to society because it contributes to ethical and moral degradation. The increasing accessibility to internet pornography is currently an important issue of concern to policy makers and the society. This has generated intense debate on controlling the accessibility of the content especially to young children. The legality of allowing adults access to pornographic content remains a controversial issue. However, numerous research studies on pornography demonstrates that watching the content is harmful to all people irrespective of their age. According to Bailey (32), watching pornographic content especially through the internet contributes to development of sex addiction or obsession that motivates people to commit crimes in the society. In addition, the habit wastes productive time that could be used to build careers and enhance family relationships (Bailey, 37) Watching pornographic content motivates people to commit sexual crimes Di amond (310). Various studies carried on sexual offenders demonstrate a positive relation between watching internet pornography and committing sexual crimes such as rape and sex with minors. In a study conducted by Allen, et al(140) among convicted rapists to establish the relationship between watching pornography and committing rape, 86% of the convicted rapists admitted to have been regular audience of internet pornographic content and over 60 percent of them admitted to have imitated the scenes on the pornographic content on their victims while committing the offense. A separate study by Bailey (67) established that rapists are fifteen times more likely to have been exposed to explicit pornographic content in their childhood. Similarly watching internet pornography contributes or aggravate to the development of antisocial and deviant behavior, sexual crimes and personality disorders (Bailey, 76) . Currently child pornography is a serious problem in the globe and several research s tudies have been undertaken to investigate its effect on children and the society. According to McCarthy (183), â€Å"possession of child pornographic content by an individual is a strong indicator of pedophilia. Allen, et al(147) noted that child pornography is widely applied by pedophiles to â€Å"arouse themselves sexually, to undermine the resistance, ruin the conscience and minimize inhibitions of potential children victims toward engaging in sexual intercourse with an adult. In addition, child pornographic content is used by children sexual molesters to train the minors on how to act while having sex with an adult†. Internet pornography increases the vulnerability of people to engage in deviant sexual behaviors. These behaviors include voyeurism, pedophilia, group sexual encounters and exhibitionisms among others (McCarthy, 186). Bailey (86) conducted a study on child pornographic offenders and established that 23 percent of them were suffering from pedophilia, a menta l disorder. A total of 11 percent of the offenders in the study were suffering from voyeurism and exhibitionism while 49 percent had paraphilia (Bailey, 89-96). Therefore, watching pornographic content contributes to the development of deviant sexual behaviors and is an indicator of the prevalence of the disorders in the society. The effect of watching child pornography and sexual abuse on minors has drawn considerable research findings. The conviction that watching child

Saturday, July 27, 2019

UK Corporate Mergers and Their Implications Essay

UK Corporate Mergers and Their Implications - Essay Example The study has identified multiple HR driven implications of corporate mergers such as downsizing planning, training & development, managing change resistance, deciding optimal human resource portfolio after merger and establishing performance management indicators. It has been found that primary role of HR practitioners would get extension during corporate merger process and for this reason, top level management have started putting more importance to HRD division in order to address HR driven implication of corporate mergers in proper manner. Apart from fulfilling gap in the literature regarding HR driven implication of corporate mergers, the study finding can be used by companies to plan the human resource management strategy during corporate mergers in UK. ... Consideration of research works of Szabla (2007) reveals the fact that although HR practitioners have to play vital during the part of downsizing employee, recruiting new staff, providing training to staff of partner companies which are being important implication of corporate mergers but very few researchers conducted research on the topic in order to understand HR driven implications of corporate mergers. Therefore, aim of the study will be to conduct research human resource implications of corporate mergers and fulfil certain gap in the literature. UK has been selected as location for the research. In such backdrop, following research question has been derived for this research paper. Research Question: What is HR driven implication of corporate mergers in UK? SECTION 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Liveris (2001, p. 19) defined the characteristics of corporate mergers & acquisition as, â€Å"The whole M&A process begins with confidential discussions. What is your company looking to buy? Wh o’s willing to sell? How much will it cost? Is it worth it? These are simple questions on the surface, but they require complex analysis.† In such context, Garavan (2007) and Gallos (2006) pointed out that human resource department works closely with partner organizations on strategic issues throughout corporate merger process such as downsizing of employee in order to decrease operational cost post corporate mergers, manage change resistance from existing workers towards the corporate merger process, recruiting new employees, developing performance management framework post corporate mergers and providing training to employees from partner organization. In UK, human resource departments need to take part in corporate merger process as are covered by the Enterprise Act, 2002, Companies

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rewrite the essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rewrite the - Essay Example The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston is one of the most renowned museums in the U.S and the world in terms and it is home to many timeless masterpieces, which preserve generation’s worth of history. My visit to this museum captured my interest especially in relation to the arguments of Walker Percy in his text, The Loss of The Creature. Walker’s text inspires me in relation to the presented arguments about human behavior and social interaction with; He demonstrates that, when one contemplates objects in a natural environment they are likely to appreciate and benefit more. He uses the analogy of a boy cutting up a dogfish he found on the beach with a knife whom he argues, has greater advantage over â€Å"pupil who finds the dogfish on his laboratory desk† (Percy 2). The museum is a close attempt at recreating a natural environment and this make the visits there comparatively adventurous and romantic therefore, they can easily relate to Walker’s subject matter in the text. The museum was rich in history, and I wanted to apply the different perspectives outlined in the text in order to assess their credibility. The collections in the museum were overwhelming and amazing such that at some point, I had to stop paying attention to the text’s argument in order to experience the true nature of e very single item housed in the museum. The aspect of reality was partially ignored by the humans highlighted in Walker’s text (Bartholomae and Petrosky 436). Being aware of this factor and basing this story on the text, I can undoubtedly admit that I experienced every bit of reality in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Fine art collections in the museum date back to several centuries ago, and these artifacts remain informative of prehistoric and historic periods. On the same note, over-the-years artifacts have been availed to the museum for display to the visitors.

The Extent To Which Creating Value To Customers And To The Firm Are An Essay

The Extent To Which Creating Value To Customers And To The Firm Are An Intrinsic Part Of Marketing Today - Essay Example The actors can create value and make offers for potential values. In some occasions, both service providers and customers play significant roles in value creation process. This brings the issue of clients being the value co-creator. Gronroos (2011, p.1) points out that the customer is always a co-producer of value as far as creation of customer value is concerned. Understanding value creation and co-creation value are essential because it enables individuals to meet their stated goals successfully. Value creation deals with value-in-use, which is produced by clients. The process that contributes to value-in-use for customers is essential in producing value for clients. The value-in-use covers all the activities performed by the company and customers in business process. Moreover, the both customers and firms play significant roles in value creation process. Customers are the user of the products; thus, they create value for themselves through integrating organization resources with o ther crucial available resources in a self-services process (Gronroos 2011, p.9). Contrary, the firm play the role of resource provision to customers; thus in the process they create value to customers. The resources integrated and utilized by customers or firms must be created by someone. Self-evident manufacturing is one of the essential roles of firms that they play in the process of value creation of customers. Designing, development, manufacturing and delivering of resources are all the necessary process for creating value in-use (see figure 1 below). This means that they facilitate value creation of customers; thus contributing to successful business... The report stresses that marketing management philosophies are the key, critical tasks of creating effective customer and organization value; thus improving business performance. There are numerous ways through which organizations conduct their marketing activities. These include production, promotion, distribution and pricing concepts, which are combined as the marketing mix. The societal marketing is one of the marketing management philosophies that aim to improve the wellbeing of the society. This is through focusing on consumer value creation and satisfaction of their needs. This paper concluded that understanding value creation is essential, and marketers should understand it in the new sense of satisfying the needs of customers rather than making sales in marketing practices. Therefore, companies nowadays strive to maintain and attract new customers through creating customer value. The employ varied marketing strategies, which include marketing promotion, product differentiation and pricing strategies in achieving effective business performance. They empathize on the significant of marketing management philosophies that will enable them to maintain and improve customer of organization values. Lastly, marketers incorporate technologies in the business process such use of Internet and social networking sites in order to achieve competitive advantage. However, poor incorporation associate with inadequate technical skills impact significantly customer and organization value in the marketing practices.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Corporate social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate social responsibility - Essay Example These acts are not requirements either by law or by any other stipulated framework but are still carried out by business corporations under their CSR platforms (McWilliams, Siegel, & Wright, 2006). The business need for such activities may not be clear at first but considering that CSR activities are used as PR stunts by various business corporations, some business value can be derived from CSR. The contention behind CSR is for large corporations to project a soft image of a corporation that cares for the environment and the society. This allows corporations to achieve better sales and integrate better with the consumers. The inclusion of business interests in CSR activities have the direct consequence of inflated CSR initiatives being used for marketing consorts. Research demonstrates that corporations have an overwhelming tendency to report the positive aspects of their CSR activities alone (Bebbington, Brown, Frame, & Thomson, 2007) (Dey, 2003) (Dey, 2007) (Ruffing, 2007). This te nds to bias the reporting situation since corporations are inclined to report the better parts of their corporate behaviour alone. The need was felt to bring to light information covered up by organisations at various levels (Dey, 2007). Silent and shadow accounting was evolved to deal with such a situation where the corporate behaviour of corporations was double checked through independent research. The silent account lists out the corporation’s projections on its CSR while the shadow account lists out an independent finding on the CSR of the concerned business corporation. The current paper will list out findings of the silent and shadow accounts for Procter and Gamble, which represents a top Fortune 500 business corporation. The silent and shadow account for Procter and Gamble will be used to determine the dynamic validity of the state of CSR in practice by Procter and Gamble. Corporate Social Responsibility Silent Account Shadow Account Sustainability Reporting Style P&G lists that it reports CSR initiatives and their results based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) directives. More specifically, P&G utilises the G3Guidelines for reporting under GRI (P&G, 2012). A number of different CSR initiatives and their results – broadly categorised under Products, Operations and Social Responsibility, are available in the CSR report on the P&G website. The availability of quantitative information such as emissions reductions levels, packaging reusability amounts etc. tend to add more credibility to P&G’s portfolio for CSR. The transparency of P&G’s claims for social responsibility requires that the data compiled by P&G be verified independently. The CSR report uploaded at the P&G website contains a number of different claims with regards to environmental and social impacts of CSR activities but fails to report data for verification. Essentially, P&G’s CSR report is referenced under the GRI and is indexed accordingly but does not declare the level of reporting (Cohen, 2011). In addition, the CSR report provides a cue to the website to evaluate how GRI is implemented (P&G, 2013, p. 2) but the website provides no insight into how data is compiled and evaluated by P&G. No third party audit of the data is available to verify or substantiate the claims accordingly. Product Safety and Innovation One of the three key pillars for P&G’s sustainability framework is its products (P&G, 2012). The contention at P&G’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Summary and Strong Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary and Strong Response - Essay Example e author disputes the report’s contention that these statistics do not indicate racial profiling or bias, claiming that the results are compelling, particularly since Hispanic and black drivers are more likely to face police force than white drivers do. He uses evidence from the report that shows black drivers were twice as likely to be arrested at traffic spots, while Hispanics were more likely to receive tickets than white drivers (Robinson, 2007). The author continues to contend that blacks have become used to the profiling that they are less likely to accept traffic charges than Hispanics and whites (Robinson, 2007). In addition, blacks stopped for traffic issues are twice as likely to be released without charge as white drivers, meaning that they were not in the wrong to begin with. He uses this as clear evidence of racial profiling and selective searches. The author concludes that, from the statistics in the report, if white drivers were stopped as often as Hispanics and blacks, they would uncover thousands of new crimes (Robinson, 2007). However, because society does not want to be searched all the time, racial profiling continues unabated since Hispanics and blacks are easier targets. From the statistics provided by the author, I believe that racial profiling, especially on American roads, is still alive and well. From the statistics provided by the writer, it is obvious that Hispanics and blacks are more prone to be stopped and searched compared to white drivers. However, the manner in which he uses the statistics does not leave any room for additional factors as to why there is bias on America’s roads. For example, the statistics used do not factor in differences in driving patterns that are prevalent on the roads. Representation of Hispanic and black drivers among those stopped and searched could significantly differ from how the statistics used represent them in residential areas. People driving on major highways could be significantly different

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data - Essay Example Quantitative and qualitative research methods are usually compared, interchanged, and contrasted by researchers themselves. However, one should understand that the two methods are meant to answer different sets of problems. If done correctly, each method can be used as supplementary research and the findings can serve as supporting explanations to the other. Usually, the quantitative method provides theories and hypotheses, and the qualitative method explains, proves, or disproves them. This is exactly what happened to the research done in trying to explain the rise and fall of meth usage in several U.S. states. Looking at the numbers, researchers are dumbfounded to see a similar pattern existing in all states regarding meth usage, despite the different approaches the states use to combat it. The numbers provided by the quantitative research are too general and abstract --- failing to provide the necessary answers to formulate solutions to the said problem. Because of this puzzle, th e researchers used the qualitative method to try to find answers to the questions posed by the graphs. The researchers looked into the history of meth usage and found out descriptive results that tell a story about the connection of meth purity on the streets and the number of people using it.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Analysis of two brands of commercial Bleaches Essay Example for Free

Analysis of two brands of commercial Bleaches Essay Analysis of Two Brands of Commercial Bleaches Objective To determine the concentration of sodium chlorate(I) (NaClO) in two commercial bleaches and compare the two bleaches on both concentration and price. Procedures 1. 10. 0 cm3 of the bleach KAO was pipetted into a clean 250 cm3 volumetric flask. It was made up to the mark using deionized water. 2. 25. 0 cm3 of the diluted solution was pipetted into a conical flask. 3. 10 cm3 of 1 M potassium iodide solution and 10 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid was added into the conical flask also. 4. The mixture in the conical flask was titrated against the 0. 0992 M sodium thiosulphate solution. 5. Three drops of freshly prepared starch indicator are added into the conical flask when the reaction mixture turned pale yellow . 6. The mixture was titrated to the end-point. 7. At the end point, the solution turned from dark blue to colourless. 8. Steps (1) to (7) were repeated with another bleach LION Results Concentration of standard sodium thiosulphate solution : 0. 0992M Brand 1 Trade Name : KAO Bleach Price : $7. 33per dm3 ($11/1500mL). Trial 1 2 Final burette reading / cm311. 90 23. 40 35. 00 Initial burette reading / cm3 0. 20 11. 90 23. 40 Volume of Na2S2O3 / cm3 11. 70 11. 50 11. 60 Brand 2 Trade Name : LION Price : $6. 67per dm3 ($10/1500mL) Trial 1 2 Final burette reading / cm3 14. 60 28. 70 42. 80 Initial burette reading / cm3 0. 50 14. 60 28. 70 Volume of Na2S2O3 / cm3 14. 10 14. 10 14. 10 Questions 1. For each brand, calculate (a) the amount of the active ingredient available in g dm-3. (b) the cost per gram of this compound. (c) 1a) For KAO Bleach, Averge volume of sodium thiosulphate solution used=(11. 5+11. 6)/2=11. 55cm3?no. of mole of S2O32-=(11. 55/1000)(0. 0992) =0. 00114576mol. ?no. of mole of I2 =(no. of mole of S2O32- )/2 =0. 00057288mol ?no. of mole of OCl- in10 cm3 solution = no. of mole of I2 x10 =0. 0005728810 =0. 0057288mol ? Mass of OCl- contained in 10 cm3 solution=0. 0057288x(16+35. 45) =0. 29474676g ?Concentration of OCl- (active ingredient available) =0. 29474676/(10/1000)=29. 47gdm-3 For LION Bleach, Averge volume of sodium thiosulphate solution used=(14. 1+14. 1)/2=14. 10cm3 ?no. of mole of S2O32-=(14. 10/1000)(0. 0992) =0. 00139872mol. ?no. of mole of I2 =(no.of mole of S2O32- )/2 =0. 00069936mol ?no. of mole of OCl- in10 cm3 solution = no. of mole of I2 x10 =0. 0006993610 =0. 0069936mol ? Mass of OCl- contained in 10 cm3 solution=0. 0069936x(16+35. 45) =0. 35982072g ?Concentration of OCl- (active ingredient available) =0. 35982072/(10/1000)=35. 98gdm-3 1b)For KAO Bleach, Cost per one gram of OCl- = 11 /[29. 474676x(1500/1000)] =$0. 277/g For LION Bleach, Cost per one gram of OCl- = 10 /[35. 982072x(1500/1000)] =$0. 185/g 2. Based on the calculated results, decide which of the two brands of bleach is a better buy. When compring the costs per one gram of OCl- of KAO(0. 277/g) and LION($0. 185/g), as we can pay a lower price ($0. 185)to buy the same weight of active ingredient (OCl- ) in LION bleach, LION bleach is a better buy. 3. Explain why potassium iodide and sulphuric acid must be in excess. ClO-(aq) + 2I-(aq) + 2H+(aq) i I2(aq) + H2O(l) + Cl-(aq) From the equation above, iodide ions and hydrogen ions react with Hypochlorite ions to form iodine ,water and chloride ions. To determine the actual number of mole of ClO- ,all ClO- ions sholud react to give iodine. KI (I-) and H2SO4 (H+) must be in excess to ensure all ClO- has been converted into Cl- ions. Then the number of mole of I2 produced is calculated by titrating against sodium thiosulphate and hence the number of mole of ClO- ions can be calculated by ratio: No. of moles of ClO- = No. of moles of I2 In other words, excess potassium iodide and sulphuric acid are used for ensuring all ClO- ions are reacted react to give iodine. Moreover,dilute sulphuric acid is added to increase the rate of reaction. If KI and H2SO4 are not in excess, some of the ClO- ions are not converted into Cl- . Consequently the calculated number of mole of ClO- ions present would be smaller than the actual one since the number of mole of ClO- ions which are not converted into Cl- are not taken into account. 4. Bleaching solution may deteriorate for two main reasons. One is the attack by carbon dioxide in air according to the equation: 2ClO-(aq) + CO2(aq) i CO32-(aq) + Cl2(aq) What is the other possible reason? Under normal condition,Hypochlorite ions decompose to give oxygen and chloride ions. Ionic equation: ClO-(aq) i O2(g) + 2Cl-(aq) Chemical equation: NaClO(aq) i O2(g) + 2NaCl(aq). The rate of the reaction above can been increased at high temperature or under sunlight. When sodium hypochlorite is heated or evaporated, sodium chlorate and sodium chloride will be formed. Chemical equation: 3 NaOCl(aq) i NaClO3 (aq)+ 2 NaCl(aq) 5. The starch indicator should not be added too early. Why? Starch is often used in chemistry as an indicator for redox titrations where iodine is present as starch forms a very dark blue-black complex with iodine. Moreover,the indicator is not affected by the presence of iodide (I-). In order for the the starch solution to change colour, both starch and iodide must be present. Starch forms an unstable complex which is blue coloured in low concentrations of iodine. However, this complex is in high concentrations of iodine . If starch solution is added too early, the conical flask still contains high concentration of iodine. As a result, highly stable complex is formed,the starch indicator then cannot be decolourised and the complex will spoil the reaction medium. Consequently, the titration cannot continue. Therefore the iodine must be diluted first with the titrant ,sodium thiosulphate to ensure no higly stable complex is formed. After that the starch can be added.

Bacterial Transformation Efficiency: E.Coli with pGLO

Bacterial Transformation Efficiency: E.Coli with pGLO Bacterial Transformation Efficiency in E.Coli with pGLO Plasmids By: Richard Stone Introduction The conversion of one genotype into another by the introduction of exogenous DNA (that is, bits of DNA from an external source) is termed transformation. The transformation was discovered in Streptococcus pneumoniae in 1928 by Frederick Griffith; in 1944, Oswald T. Avery, Colin M. MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty demonstrated that the transforming principle was DNA. Both results are milestones in the elucidation of the molecular nature of genes. 1 Bacteria transformation is the process of a bacteria absorbing and expressing foreign genetic information using plasmids. Plasmids are small circular molecules of DNA that holds a small number of genes. The plasmids used in the experiment have the ampicillin resistance gene. Ampicillin (amp) is an antibiotic used to kill bacteria such as E. coli, the bacteria used in the experiment. E. coli (Escherichia coli) is a simple bacterium commonly found in our bodys and in everyday life but most commonly found in mammals intestines. Glowing Fluorescent Proteins (GFPs) is the gene found in jellyfish that holds bioluminescent properties and glow under UV light. By knowing the location of the gene, scientists can cut out the GFP gene from the jellyfish DNA. They do this using restriction enzymes to which recognize and cut DNA in a specific region of nucleotides to acquire a specific gene. Once the gene is isolated, it can be used in the experiment and glued into a plasmid that contains the AMP gene. This is done by sticky ends as the Jellyfish DNA binds to the amp resistance plasmid using hydrogen bonds which are hen sealed by DNA ligase. This creates pGLO a plasmid which is used in the experiment in the transformation of the bacteria. Before it can be part of the transformation the bacteria must be made competent to accept the pGLO. This is done by heat shocking the bacteria which makes it easier for the pGLO to be incorporated into the bacteria. For the bacteria to fluoresce sunder UV light it must be in presence of arabinose sugars, which turns on the gene for the production of Glowing Fluorescent Proteins.2 The amp Resistance gene enables bacteria to survive in the presence of the antibiotic ampicillin. When a plasmid containing both the GFP gene and AMP gene (pGLO) is transferred into an E. coli bacterium, the transformed cells can be grown in a culture dish that contains ampicillin. Only a small number of bacteria cells will be transformed and grow on the LB (lysoge ny broth) and amp plates and glow. 3 The experiment demonstrates how Bacteria is modified to express a specific gene through the process of bacterial transformation. The purpose of this experiment is to find the efficiency of bacterial transformation in E. Coli bacteria by observing their expression of the plasmids. This is calculated by determining the frequency of the bacterium with GFPs and arabinose sugars by counting the glowing colonies. It was the results for each plate was hypothesized before the experiment. The LB plate with only the bacteria and no pGLO administered will grow a lawn of bacteria and have no glowing properties. The LB with ampicillin but bacteria without pGLO will not survive at all and there will be no bacteria growth. The LB plate with amp and bacteria with the pGLO will have bioluminescent properties but only a very small percentage of the bacteria will survive the amp and bacterial transformation will occur. Finally, the LB with no amp but the bacteria with the pGLO will form a lawn of bacteria and the bacteria that is transformed will glow like the previous plate. The efficiency of the bacterial transformation is hypothesized using in class discussion and background knowledge, to be about 810-4 %. 4 Materials and Methods E. coli bacteria cultures 100-1000  µl micropipette 0.5-10  µl micropipette sterile tips 2 sterile 15-ml test tubes 500 ÃŽÂ ¼L of ice cold 0.05M CaCl2 (ph. 6.1) 500 ÃŽÂ ¼L of lysogeny broth/agar a spreading rod Bunsen burner 4 agar plates: 2 ampicillins+ and 2 ampicillin an incubator a sterile inoculating loop 10 ÃŽÂ ¼L of pAMP solution a timer ice tape sterile glass beads a water bath 1. Use a permanent marker to label one sterile 15-ml tube +, and another -. 2. Use a 100-1000  µl micropipette and sterile tip to add 250  µl of CaCl2 (calcium chloride) solution to each tube. 3. Place both tubes on ice. 4. Use a sterile inoculating loop to transfer a visible mass of E. coli from a starter plate to the + tube: a. Sterilize loop in Bunsen burner flame until it glows red hot. b. Carefully, stab loop into agar to cool. c. Scrape up a visible mass of E. coli, but be careful not to transfer any agar. (Impurities in agar can inhibit transformation.) d. Immerse loop tip in CaCl2 solution and vigorously tap against the wall of the tube to dislodge bacteria. Hold tube up to light to observe the bacteria drop off into the calcium chloride solution. Make sure cell mass is not left on a loop or on side of tube. e. Sterilize loop before setting it on the lab bench. 5. Immediately suspend cells in the + tube by repeatedly pipetting in and out, using a 100-1000  µl micropipette with a fresh sterile tip.a. Pipet carefully to avoid making bubbles in suspension or splashing suspension far up sides of the tube. b. Hold tube up to light to check that suspension is homogeneous. No visible clumps of cells should remain. 6. Return + tube to ice. 7. Transfer the second mass of cells to tube as described in Step 4, and resuspend cells as described in Step 5. 8. Return tube to ice. Both tubes should be on the ice. 9. Use a 0.5-10  µl micropipette to add 10  µl of 0.005  µg/ µl pGFP solution directly into cell suspension in the + tube. Tap tube with a finger to mix. Avoid making bubbles in suspension or splashing suspension up to the sides of the tube. [DO NOT ADD pGFP TO THE - TUBE.] 10. Return + tube to ice. Incubate both tubes on ice for 15 minutes. 11. While cells are incubating, use a permanent marker to label two LB plates and two LB/amp plates with name and the date. Label one LB/amp plate + GFP. This is the experimental plate. Label the other LB/amp plate - GFP. This is a negative control. Label one LB plate + GFP. This is a positive control. Label the other LB plate - GFP. This is a negative control. 12. Following the 15-minute incubation on ice, heat shock the cells in both the + and tubes. It is critical that cells receive a sharp and distinct shock: a. Carry ice beaker to the water bath. Remove tubes from ice, and immediately immerse in 42 °C water bath for 90 seconds. b. Immediately return both tubes to ice, and let stand on ice for at least 1 additional minute. 13. Place + and tubes in test tube rack at room temperature. 14. Use a 100-1000  µl micropipette with a fresh sterile tip to add 250  µl of sterile LB medium to each tube. Gently tap tubes to mix. This will allow the cells to recover from the heat shock. 15. Use the matrix below as a checklist as + and cells are spread on each plate: 16. Use a 100-1000  µl micropipette with a fresh sterile tip to add 100  µl of cell suspension from the tube onto the LB plate and another 100  µl onto the LB/amp plate. 17. Use a 100-1000  µl micropipette with a fresh sterile tip to add 100  µl of cell suspension from the + tube onto + LB plate and another 100  µl of cell suspension onto + LB/amp plate. [Do not let suspensions sit on plates too long before proceeding to Step 18.] 18. Use sterile glass beads to spread cells over the surface of each plate: a.Obtain four 1.5 ml tubes containing at least five sterilized glass beads. b.Lift lid of one plate, only enough to allow pouring of the beads from one of the 1.5 ml tubes onto the surface of the agar. Replace plate lid; do not set the lid down on the lab bench. Repeat for all plates. c.Use beads to spread bacteria evenly on plates by moving plates side to side several times. Do not move plates in a circular motion. d.Rotate plates  ¼ turn, and repeat spreading motion. Repeat two more times. The object is to separate cells on agar so that each gives rise to a distinct colony of clones. 19. Let plates set for several minutes to allowing the suspension to become absorbed into the agar. Then wrap together with tape. 20. Place plates upside down in 37 °C incubator, and incubate for 12-24 hours, or store at room temperature for approximately 48 hours.5 Results Transformed cells Non-transformed cells LB/amp Bacterial Growth in form of green colonies No growth on plate LB Growth spread across entire plate (bacteria lawn) Growth spread across entire plate (bacteria lawn) Table 1. the E. coli bacterial plates after incubation. Discussion Before the experiment was conducted the results of each plate was hypothesized. It was believed that the plate with only the LB and no plasmids added would grow a lawn of bacteria, this was proven correct by the experiment. The plate with LB and ampicillin but no pGLO was predicted to have no growth, which was also proven correct by the experiment. The plate with LB and ampicillin but the bacteria was administered with the pGLO was predicted to survive the amp but not in very large quantities. Finally, for the plate with only LB but with the pGLO administered to the bacteria it was hypothesized that it would glow, not necessarily in large quantities but at least a little. This was different from the results of the experiment in which the bacteria did not show bioluminescent properties. This can occur for numerous reasons, the lack of bacteria that was transformed, unsterile equipment, improper heat shocking to make the bacteria competent. While all these are the possible reasoning fo r the experiment results the most probable cause for the plates to not grow is the lack of arabinose sugar which is an important part in the expression of the GFPS (see introduction). If the plates lack the arabinose sugar the GFP proteins may not be expressed. This explains why the LB only plate with the pGLO did not produce transformed bacteria. This also draws questions to why the plate with LB and ampicillin and the transformed bacteria. Why would it glow if it didnt have any arabinose sugar? This most likely is explained by the fact that it must have been administered in the LB but not in the others.3 The transformation Efficiency was determined by counting the number of colonies on the LB/amp plate pGFP. Any bacteria that shows light under the UV light must have accepted the plasmids and successfully transformed the desired genes to survive the lb/amp plate and express the GFP gene. Each colony represents one bacteria that has been transformed. Using this the efficiency can be determined. Transformation efficiency is expressed as the number of antibiotic resistant colonies per  µg of pGFP DNA. To find this the mass of the pGFP used must first be determined by the formula Concentration X Volume = Mass. This is shown in figure 1 and was calculated using the formula 0.005  µg / µl x 10  µl = 0.05  µg. Then using the formula to determine the total number of cells per plate the fraction of cells suspended onto the +LB/Amp plate. This is shown in figure 1 and was calculated using the formula .005  µg/510  µl=9.810^-5  µg / µl this number must them be multiplied by 100 because there are approximately 100 cells in use. This is calculated in figure 1 and is solved to be 9.810^-3. To determine the transformants per microgram the formula (total transformed cells/cells per plate)/10000 to find the efficiency in transformants per microgram. This is solved in figure 1 to be 8.673 transformants per microgram. Then the Transformation Efficiency can be found. This is shown in figure 1 which uses the formula (Total cells to start / total microliters) x 100 microliters to find the total number of cells on the plate. Then the formula (Transformants/ Total cells) x100 = percent of efficiency. This is calculated as (8.673 transformants/ 1,960,784,314) x100 to calculate a transformation efficiency of .000004335% or in scientific notation 10x 4.3355 ^ -6 Before conducting the experiment, it was hypothesized that the transformation efficiency would be about 810^-4%. After doing the experiment the transformation efficiency was found to be 4.33510^-6% or 8.673 transformants per microgram. This proves the percentage of efficiency to be significantly lower than hypothesized. The transformation efficiency being lower than expected shows the rarity of this specific form of genetic modification. The experiment tests how rare it is for the genetic modification to occur and demonstrates the results of the modification and its effect on an organism. Citations Griffiths, Anthony JF. Bacterial Transformation. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 7th  Edition. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. Bacterial Transformation. SpringerReference (n.d.): n. pag. Cold Spring Harbor  Laboratory. Dolan DNA Learning Center. Web. Reece, Jane B. Campbell Biology, Volume 1. Boston, MA: Peason Learning Solutions, 2011.  Print. Chapter 20 Transfer, Genetics, And Information. BIOTECHNOLOGY: BACTERIAL  TRANSFORMATION* (n.d.): n. pag. Web Lab Center Bacterial Transformation. Lab Center Bacterial Transformation. N.p., n.d.  Web. 03 Jan. 2017. Bacterial Transformation. SpringerReference (n.d.): n. pag. Web. Role As A Student Nurse | Reflection Role As A Student Nurse | Reflection This essay will discuss a significant event in relation to the peoples priorities identified within the Healthcare Quality Strategy. It will also discuss my role as a student nurse in relation to a patient who is receiving palliative care. The essay will demonstrate my understanding and views on reflection and the issues surrounding my practice. I have chosen Gibbs (1988) reflective framework as it has a structured format and six steps which follow in order starting with a description of the event and ending with an action plan for future practice. The steps are Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion and Action Plan (Gray, 2007). Reid, (1993) describes reflection as a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice. In May 2010, the Scottish Government introduced the Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland, their aim is to deliver the peoples priorities which are: firstly caring and compassionate staff and services, good communication and a clear explanation about conditions and treatments, effective teamwork between clinicians, patients and others, a clean and safe care environment, continuity of care and clinical excellence. Secondly, to bring together the patients priorities as well as the values of everyone working within the NHS Scotland. Thirdly, by applying these three interventions and putting them into practice improvements within priority areas of the Healthcare Quality Strategy will be met (Scottish Government, 2010, p.6). This reflective account will identify the way in which these priorities were met in relation to my significant event and it will also confirm their importance. Description Whilst on my Management Placement I met Janet, she is 65 years old and has been admitted to my ward for palliative care. She has end stage bowel cancer and is awaiting a bed at the local hospice. All names have been changed to protect her identity and maintain confidentiality (NMC, 2008). Janets GP has requested that she be admitted onto the ward as she is now confined to bed because of increased pain and a general deterioration of her condition (Dougan and Colquhoun, 2006). Feelings Whilst carrying out my training as a student nurse, I have met a number of palliative patients and you feel helpless as to how to care for these patients. With regard to this experience my feelings are sadness, anger and helplessness. In relation to the peoples priorities, I must provide the best care for my patient and be caring and compassionate always (Scottish Government, 2010, p.6). The level of involvement from all members of the multidisciplinary team, the care and compassion shown to this patient at all times was very humbling (NMC, 2008). I was privileged to have the opportunity to be involved in Janets care as well as working within a ward of clinical excellence (Scottish Government, 2010, p.6). Evaluation A holistic approach with continuity of care is extremely important and all nurses have a central role in providing information, care and support (Kennedy and Lockhart, 2007). Excellent communication and good interpersonal skills are essential in order to provide Janet with the care she requires. Also when dealing with members of the multi-disciplinary team, effective teamwork is imperative again providing Janet and her family with continuity of care and the clinical excellence they require from all staff. I feel the Quality Strategy aim was achieved, as all staff when looking after Janet dealt with her in a caring and reassuring manner at all times, in turn providing Janet with the best care, whilst she was on the ward (Scottish Government, 2010). Analysis Palliative care helps to improve the quality of life for patients and their families who have to come to terms with the difficulties associated with life threatening illness. It is about identifying the patients needs through accurate assessment, good symptom control and sensitive nursing care (Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care, 2012). Over the next few days whilst looking after Janet and taking part in the ward rounds, I was able to plan Janets care. Whilst preparing Janets care plan I put some goals into place with the aim of making Janets stay in hospital as comfortable as possible and also to determine if Janets physical condition was improving or deteriorating (Richards and Edwards, 2008). When planning Janets care I took a holistic approach and looked at her physical, psychological, social, emotional and environmental needs. This included not only the patient, the hospital and any multi-disciplinary team members but also her husband and any other family members she would like involved (Dougherty and Lister, 2011). As Janets condition could change from day to day her care plan was reviewed on a daily basis and updated accordingly (Dougan and Colquhoun, 2006). As Janet was bed bound she required the assistance of two members of staff to assist her with her Activities of Daily Living (Hamilton and Price, 2007). Good personal care from the nurses and the nursing auxiliaries is paramount. As Janet is lying in the same position for a long period of time, the development of pressure ulcers can become a concern as her skin can breakdown quickly. The use of the Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool was used in assessing and establishing the needs of the patient; this involved regular positional changes, a specially prepared mattress for her bed or a cushion for their chair (Waterlow 2012). Following assessment the nurse developed a care plan in order to help maintain patient skin integrity and any actions or implementations which needed to be carried out (Anderson and Fletcher, 2007). In addition to caring for Janet on the ward I was given the opportunity to go to the Hospice and meet with Janets palliative care nurse and also be included in her multi-disciplinary team meeting. This meant I learnt more about Janets condition and therefore provided her with the best care I could whilst she is on the ward. Palliative care patients must have good symptom control of their pain and also nausea and vomiting. Janet was placed on a syringe driver to control her pain. A syringe driver is a small portable pump which is attached to the skin by a cannula and gives the patient a continuous dose of analgesics and/or anti-emetics (MacMillan Cancer Support, 2012). When dealing with patients who are receiving palliative care the peoples priorities are relevant. All nurses must be able to make the patient as comfortable as possible, be aware of their wants and needs and provide a safe and clean environment (Scottish Government, 2010, p.6). On reflection this event has brought further awareness of the level of involvement of staff members from nursing auxiliaries, nurses and consultants. This was shown by the number of multi-disciplinary meetings, assessments, re-assessments, written correspondence and working hours placed into looking after this patient. All staff members were committed to providing the correct input and treatment for this patient and to make her last few days as comfortable as possible (Scottish Government, 2008). Conclusion This reflection has demonstrated the difficultly in caring for palliative care patients. It requires a holistic approach to ensure that the patient and their family receive the best possible attention. Nurses have a duty to ensure that the care they deliver is of an acceptable standard (NMC, 2008). While participating in ward rounds I took on board the doctors instructions and carried out and prioritised the care of my patient, therefore making Janets stay in hospital as comfortable as possible. The code provides values, which can be adapted to any setting and as long as these are followed, nurses will be able to carry out their legal and professional duty of care (NMC, 2008). Identify Steps All staff on this ward were experienced in dealing with palliative care patients. However as a student you can be hesitant when communicating with patients and families at this difficult time for fear of saying something incorrect. Therefore education and training not only for students but for all staff across all care settings should be paramount in order to provide good palliative and end of life care (Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care, 2012). In relation to my transition from student to nurse, palliative care does not only deal with cancer patients but with patients who have long term chronic illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, heart disease and respiratory problems, therefore palliative care is relevant today and also in the future because we will be caring for an ageing population (Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care, 2012) In conclusion and in relation to The Healthcare Quality Strategy I feel that Janet was looked after in a caring and compassionate manner at all times and the nursing auxiliaries and nurses looking after Janet worked well together putting her first and treating her with respect at all times (Scottish Government, 2010). Action Plan Palliative care is a sensitive subject to deal with but I feel that as long as you treat the patient as an individual, listen to their wants and needs, then a positive outcome can be accomplished. Communication and good interpersonal skills are once again highlighted as an essential part of good nursing practice. I must be an effective communicator and be able to provide a high standard of care at all times and this is imperative when dealing with palliative care patients. I must keep my knowledge and skills up to date (NMC, 2008). Whilst on this placement I was expected to take control of situations and be able to communicate and deal with whatever is presented to me. You have to be able to stand on your own two feet and this will be imperative in my transition to becoming a registered nurse. Conclusion In conclusion and in relation to The Health Quality Strategy and my transition from student to nurse, Bowie (2010) states that positive practice should be highlighted as it allows others to learn from it and provides opportunities to improve the safety of patient care. Reflecting on these events has helped me to identify areas where practice needs improvement and given me a greater insight into my own role as a registered nurse.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fundamentals of Marketing

Fundamentals of Marketing Kirsty Hayes, Bianca Jones, Chris Duffy, Tim Stone EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to gain further insight into AAMIs current position in the personal car insurance market and to identify suitable marketing strategies to meet the needs of current and future customers. Despite being the largest insurer in the motor vehicle market there are many new competitors undercutting insurance premiums, mostly through online sales and service. Current competition includes IAG, on policy, and Budget Direct, on a price point. Since the GFC consumers have shown to be more cautious but with higher expectations. Current measures of internet and social media use shows the incredible scope of data facebook is able to collect from target segments. Loyalty and time wasted choosing a company are the most important characteristics of insurance seekers. They are most likely to use trusted brands when not engaged in the process. Surveys also found Australia wide retention of insurance customers more than 50%, however 75% of customers are not likely to seek out a company but want to make the best purchase decision. A further 10% want convenience purchasing insurance. AAMI must maintain its focus on consistent, excellent customer service, and utilising facebook to identify and communicate with customers. The process of purchasing a policy and making claims must be refined further strengthening the AAMI brand. INTRODUCTIONLACE INFLUENCING This report aims to provide a summary of where AAMI is situated against its market competitors and help develop a marketing strategy to promote sustained long term business opportunities. The ABS (2016) estimated 17.7 million vehicles registered in Australia at the 31st October 2014 whilst Tiwari (2014) claims the Domestic Motor Insurance segment is worth 6 Billion dollars in premiums per year and is the largest is the Australian general insurance market. AAMI face a multitude of competition in the Australian Motor Insurance segment and this paper will identify two competitors, IAG group and Budget Direct. This report is broken into two major sections, the first will evaluate and analyse competition along with demographic and technological trends and understanding how these factors may affect business in both the short and long term. The second part identifies possible segmentation which is involved with purchasing motor insurance. Providing historic trend information from the market will help create a new marketing strategy. INSURANCE INDUSTRY OVERVIEW The insurance industry has had some significant hurdles in recent years, these have changed the way insurers need to market themselves and maintain profits. Buyers have become more cautious; expectations of products and services have increased since the global financial crisis (How Australian insurers can achieve profitable growth in a challenging market 2017). Pay-outs for natural disasters have increased in frequency and value due to climate change, effecting insurers bottom lines (Insurance industry and climate change 2017). With the large number of insurers in the market creating intense competition, each company needs to ensure they have the right mix of products and customers to maintain their overall profit. AAMI WITHIN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY AAMI positions itself as the customer focused and fun insurance company, to differentiate from other insurers and say they are the not very insurancy insurer using comical advertisements which attract younger consumers (AAMI 2017). It seems to be working for them, AAMI sits at number 5 of the top ten list of best insurance companies within Australia (Top Tens 2016). Below is a chart which shows AAMIs position within the market. RECENT TRENDS THAT IMPACT THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY       Usage based insurance (UBI) While UBI is not a new concept in places like the US, it is only recently becoming common place within the Australian insurance industry (Dipak 2015). Things like pay-as-you-drive insurance, where customers only pay insurance for the kilometres they actually drive and pay-how-you-drive insurance, where customers get discounts for being safer drivers (Lukens 2014). This means customers can decrease their premiums to a rate previously impossible with other methods and feel like they have more control over what they pay. It also enables better identification of customer segments for future planning of products. The Internet of Things Still an upcoming trend within the insurance industry, as explained by Forbes (Morgan 2014) this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). Wearable technology for tracking heart rates, exercise, sleep patterns and more are being used in collaboration with health insurers. Sensors in cars are being used to calculate the risk of particular drivers by tracking speed, acceleration, and braking distance (Liew 2016). This information helps to speed up the claim process with more detailed information of accidents (Kumaresan 2016). For the insurance industry, this means more information available to calculate premiums and reduce risk for insuring specific customers. KEY COMPETITORS As Tiwari (2015) explains the Motor Insurance marketplace could be divided up into 4 segment areas. There are 2 major firms which own multiple companies and these are the Suncorp Group and the IAG Group with the rest of the industry made up from smaller competitors (image 1 gives a detailed example). Appendix A is an online comparison of comprehensive policies between NMRA, Budget Direct and AAMI. As Lamb (2016) highlights international firms need to take into account local domestic firms which are also fighting for a share of the market. Image 1 (image sourced from IAG Group The IAG group is our biggest competitor and will continue to be into the future as they share a similar infrastructure to AAMI. IAG also have national leverage through their independent brands RACV, NMRA, SGIO and SGIC. IAG have a major focus on making the world a safer place (IAG Group, 2017). IAG products tend to balance between price, volume, and service. They have no major advantage over our brand. Budget Direct Budget Direct are a small player being very aggressive to gain major market share. They specialise in insuring low risk clients to keep premiums down (Budget Direct, 2017) thus sitting in the price sensitive area. They have some advantages for customers compared to AAMI on their standard comprehensive product such as offering a no claim bonus on windscreen damage. Appendix A provides a detailed summary. A KEY PLAYER OF IMPORTANCE Australias population is currently 23.3 million people with more than 15 million owning smartphones. According to Neilsen, we spend on average of over one hour per day using smart phones, of which 35% of the time is spent on social media. According to Forbes (2016), in the social media landscape, Facebook is the most popular site with more than 15 million users and in a survey by Sensis in 2016, for more than 12 hours per week so it makes sense that our advertising can reach more customers in an increasingly competitive market. By developing a partnership with Facebook, AAMI can target market segments differently using each groups interests based on data received from the company. Nadia Cameron from IDG (2016) identified raising of brand awareness and conversions as the major reasons for AAMI using Facebook marketing. Failure in this partnership would be fatalistic with over 1.7 billion users worldwide connected to Facebook. OTHER FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INDUSTRY Technological Trends Online Applications AAMI has launched the AAMI Access ® Application which they have marketed as Insurance in your Pocket (AAMI 2016). It allows you to monitor and update your policies, make an instant claim and upload claim photos from your device, and allows claim and live repair tracking. As at 30 June 2016, there were approximately 22 million mobile handset subscribers in Australia (ABS, 2016) making the creation of an online application a great innovation as it allows an easier service for the consumer and the insurance agency and leverages off the fact that consumers are becoming more advanced in online technology. This is not the only application available from insurance companies but it will continue to grow in trend. Self-Driving Cars (2016) says that there are already self-driving Volvos on the road in Sweden and in 2017, there will be over 100 on public roads, and this will continue to grow. This trend will be crucial to car insurance companies as it will alter the way insurance is provided, calculated and it could make it more difficult to prove which vehicle is in the wrong. Demographic Trends Cars in Victoria The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011) states there were a total of 1,944,688 motor vehicles in Victoria. Car insurers need to keep abreast of current trends and ensure ease and simplicity when dealing with consumers and insurance. SECTION 2: SEGMENTATION FRAMEWORK CONSUMER CHARACTERISTICS In this section, we recommend a way that AAMI could segment their market so they can have more targeted marketing. There are many things a consumer will look at when deciding on a car insurance company. Global Reviews regularly conducts research into how a consumer purchases car insurance, and posted in May 2015, that 71% of consumers had a brand in mind before beginning their research, only 34% of these consumers still preferred that brand at the end of their research. However, AAMI was the clear leader in an unprompted recall at 73%. The research found that 74% are current customers when they choose a car insurance policy. Lamb (2013) says that goods and services that are purchased regularly are associated with routine response behaviour, showing that those who already have a policy with AAMI are more likely to continue to renew their policies with AAMI. A trusted brand is also a high priority when deciding on car insurance. The research shows that 53% trust the brand they chose ( 2015) and Lamb (2013) says that when consumers dont want to have to think too much about a purchase decision, they often revert to known and trusted brand names. Based on the secondary research, two different consumer characteristics have been identified that are important in the car insurance category. Characteristic Type of segmentation Description Why is this characteristic important to AAMI? Lifestyle How much time spent searching for car insurance Psychographic This relates to how much time consumers are willing to research different car insurance deals. This impacts how likely a new customer is to find Aami appealing and how likely an existing customer is to find a better deal elsewhere. Personality How loyal they are to a certain company Psychographic This relates to how often a customer is willing to change insurance companies. This impacts how likely a customer is to switch insurance companies if a better deal is found. Table 3. Consumer Characteristics of importance to car insurance purchase decisions SEGMENTATION FRAMEWORK Based on these two key characteristics one way that AAMI could segment their market into the following four segments: How much time is spent researching Little to no time researching Extensive researching How loyal they are to a certain company Very loyal Customers for life This segment contains customers which either do not have time to research or are not interested in researching different insurers due to loyalty to their current company. Great if you are their current company but difficult to get across from somewhere else. Knowledge is power This segment contains customers who have the time and drive to research different companies but who prefer to stay with their existing company. They are more likely to try to get a better deal with their current insurer than switch. Not very loyal Only if they have to This segment contains the customers who know they need insurance but dont waste time thinking about the details. They may perform a basic search and go with the insurer they notice first. Flashy adds will draw their attention. Simply the bestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. for less This segment contains the customers who will spend as much time as needed to search for the very best deal no matter who it is from. Having the details which set you apart from competitors on your website is key for these customers. Table 4. Proposed segmentation framework for AAMI. SEGMENT PROFILES The following information has been used to roughly estimate the size of each of these segments. In order to more accurately determine the segment size and segment profile, AAMI would be required to conduct further research with consumers. Generation Y is the most under-insured generation, with a World Insurance Report showing only 36 per cent, compared to 52 per cent of others (Han 2016) Studies indicate, 86 per cent of Australian consumers would only consider between one to three insurers when selecting their next policy (Martin 2016) A survey showed only 15 per cent of respondents believed it was essential to find the cheapest product (Myth vs Reality The Expectation Gap in the ANZ Insurance Industry 2016, p 4) A survey also showed that Australian insurers have retention rates of more than 50 per cent across the board (Myth vs Reality The Expectation Gap in the ANZ Insurance Industry 2016, p 7) DESCRIPTION Customers for Life Knowledge is power Only if they have to Simply the bestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for less Estimated % of consumers 50% 25% 10% 15% Expectation of segment to grow/shrink Shrink With more information on competing products being in social media this segment is expected to shrink. Grow With more ways now available for consumers to customise their insurance or barter with companies this segment is expected to grow. Constant Some behaviours will never change, time poor or uninterested consumers will always be a constant overall in any industry. Grow With more ways for consumers to easily find information on different companies it is expected that this segment will grow. Purchase behaviour They are not likely to seek out new insurers but would have no choice but to hear about new products through social media They want to make the best purchase decision but also believe that staying with one company is beneficial. They will make quick decisions on insurance if they feel they need to have it even though they dont really want it They will conduct thorough research to find the best deals available. Price and product is their drive, not brand loyalty. Brand Preference This group prefers well- known brands as they are more trusted and seen as a good choice for the long term, once they find an insurer they stick with them. This group also prefers well-known brands for the same reasons but are likely to switch between the big 4 or 5 insurers when necessary. This group has no specific brand preference. They may choose based on the insurers used by people they know or by which insurer comes up first in their low level of research. This group has no brand preference. It is not guided by friends and family insurers either. They go with whomever has the best deals in their eyes. Potential Profit Moderate At the moment the profit made from this segment would be high due to retention rates. However, with the segment set to shrink, potential future profit will decrease. High If Aami can get the correct product mix to appeal to price conscious buyers Profit will increase from these consumers, they prefer a big brand name like Aami. Moderate Once insured they are less likely to switch, the battle is getting them in the beginning, once with Aami they should be life-long customers. Flashy advertising is needed. Low This segment is always looking for better deals, if Aami arent the cheapest in the industry these customers will switch. This doesnt work with AAMIs customer service image. CONCLUSION The Motor Insurance Industry has never been the most exciting in terms of innovation or technology (Sahoo, 2015). Insurance companies have been slow to adopt technology and innovation into their programs. This is beginning to change because of the digital age that we live. With the population in Australia constantly growing the demand for motor vehicle insurance will always be high. With good branding and positive company exposure AAMI can maintain their presence as a major player in the market place. IAG group is a competitor we will need to constantly monitor as they pose the biggest threat to our overall market share. It is recommended that AAMI continue to invest in technological and social branding, making it easier for people to connect with the brand. Continual research needs to be done on consumer insights involving brand perception along with potential customers. This would benefit our industry segmentation profile and strengthen our framework criteria. APPENDIX REFERENCE LIST AAMI 2017, Did you know, AAMI, viewed 7 January 2017,> AAMI Car Insurance 2016, AAMI Access ® App, AAMI, viewed 6 January 2017, keyword=aamief_id=WE5c3QAAAJReYgzb:20170113020025:s ABS 2014, Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia, 12 months ended 31 October 2014, viewed 11 January 2017,[emailprotected]/mf/9208.0/ Accenture, How Australian insurers can achieve profitable growth in a challenging market, Accenture, viewed 8 January 2017,> Armstrong, G, Adam, S, Denize, S Kotler, P, 2011, Principles of Marketing, 5th edn, Pearson Australia, French Forest NSW Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016, Internet Activity Australia June 2016, ABS, viewed 6 January 2016,[emailprotected]/Latestproducts/8153.0Main%20Features5June%202016?opendocumenttabname=Summaryprodno=8153.0issue=June%202016num=view= Australian Bureau of Statistics 2017, Population Clock 2 January 2017, ABS, viewed 2 January 2017,> Budget Direct 2017, About Us, Budget Direct, viewed 2 January 2017, Cameron, N 2016, Why AAMI turned to Facebook mobile and segmentation to drive brand favourability, 2 May, CMO from IDG, viewed 3 January 2016, Cowling, D 2016, Social Media Statistics, Social Media News, 1 February, viewed 2 January 2017,> DeMers, J 20 August 2015, The Definitive Guided to Marketing Your business on Facebook, Forbes, 20 August, viewed 11 January 2017,> Dipak, Sahoo 2015, Innovation in Australias insurance industry, The Australian, 10 September, viewed 3 January 2017,> GlobalReviews 2017, How AU consumers research select a car insurance provider online, GlobalReviews, viewed 12 January 2017, GlobalReviews 2014, How do consumers research motor insurance providers and whos winning them, GlobalReviews, September 2014, viewed 3 January 2017, GlobalReviews 2016, Motor Insurance: Digital Effectiveness Report, GlobalReviews, viewed 4 January 2017,> Han, Ester, 2016, On-demand insurance Trov launches in Australia targeting Generation Y, The Herald, 30 May, viewed 14 January 2017,> IAG Group 2017, IAG About Us, IAG Group, viewed 2 January 2017, Kumaresan, A 2016, Top 10 Trends in Insurance in 2016, Capgemini, viewed 9 January 2017, Lamb, C. W., 2016, MKTG3, 3rd Asia Pacific ed. s.l.:s.n. Liew, R 2016, Insurers set to track driver behaviour, The Age, 14 January, viewed 14 January 2016,> Lukens, D 2014, 2014 Usage-based Insurance (UBI) Research Results for Consumer and Small Fleet Markets, Lexis Nexis, viewed 9 January 2016,> Market Forces 2017, Insurance industry and climate change, Market Forces , viewed 8 January 2017,> Martin, M 2016, Brand loyalty, a double-edged sword to the Australian insurance industry, Insurance Business, 24 October, viewed 14 January 2017,> Mattro 2017, Top Ten Best Insurance Companies in Australia, The Top Tens, viewed 7 January 2017,> Morgan, J 2014, A Simple Explanation Of The Internet Of Things, Forbes, 13 May,viewed 9 January 2017,> Myth vs Reality The Expectation Gap in the ANZ Insurance Industry 2016, Target, p 4, viewed 14 January 2017,> Sahoo, D 10 September 2015, Innovation in Australias Insurance Industry, The Weekend Australian, viewed 07 January 2017, Sensis, 2016, How Australian People and Businesses are using social media, Sensis, 1 June, viewed 1 January 2017,> Smith, A, 31 October 2015, Mobile Mania! Australia spends on average more than hour a day on their smartphones, viewed 11 January 2017,> Tiwari, U, 2014, Australian Car Insurance Market ANALYSIS, Slide Share, viewed 2 January 2017,> Volvo Car Corporation, Autopilot Travel calmer, safer, cleaner, Vo

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Stagecoach Essay -- essays papers

Stagecoach An Interpretation of 'Stagecoach' In 1939 John Ford masterminded a classical western film by the name of Stagecoach. This film has the integrity of a fine work of art. Being that it could be considered a work of art, the impression left on a viewing audience could differ relying on the audience's demographics. However, it is conceivable to all audiences that Ford delivers a cast of characters that are built on stereotypes and perceptions conjured from 'B' westerns that preceded this film's time. Each character is introduced to the audience in a stereotypical genre, as the film progresses, these stereotypes are broken down and the characters become more humanized. This is apparent with a handful of characters being portrayed better than others. One can investigate each individual character to correlate such a pattern. The characters are, in no particular order: Curly, Hatfield, Gatewood, Peacock, the stagecoach driver, Dallas, Lady Mallory, and of course Ringo. Robert Slotkin writes in Gunfighter nation, " . . . by 1890 it was clear that the industrialization of the economy had produced a social order in which wealth and power would increasingly be concentrated in the hands of relatively few men . . . "(p 31). It was this social order that influenced iconography of many 'B' westerns. Such iconography would create the ideal of the crooked banker, or the shoot em' up outlaw and even a brothel prostitute, all of which are found in Ford's Stagecoach. The social classes that each character can generally be categorized as an upper, middle and lower class. In Stagecoach the upper class is composed of Gatewood and Lady Mallory. Gatewood is first introduced as a stern and modest character and part remains to be for most of the film. He exemplifies the 'B' western icon of the crooked banker in every manner. His crooked behavior is not revealed until the end of the film climaxing at his arrest as the stagecoach reaches town. His actions are arrogant and always in line with a financial mind set. His main focus was bag full of money, nothing else. Even as the stagecoach was under siege by the savage Indians, the audience could catch a glimpse of Gatewood clasping his bag rather than brandishing a firearm. Gatewood's character is one of those that does not stray from the 'B' side icon. He is clearly plays the stereotype of the financia... ...le and by Curly. On the contrary when Ringo is first seen in the movie he is not violent nor is he much of a menace. He seems to be a real gentle man, as one may have noticed in his actions toward Dallas even after finding what her line of work was. He is not ill mannered nor tempermental. He is on a mission to seek revenge as any man rightfully would. He is a far cry from his gun toting tobacco spitting counterpart in the ‘B' westerns. The stagecoach driver is the last of these unique characters. Typically, he is charactered in ‘B' westerns as being filthy, blockheaded and offensive. Despite his crackled voice and foolish nature, the stagecoach driver was anything but these descriptions. Granted, at times he may not have said the smartest of things or have been the bravest of men during the film, but he does come off as a sensible good minded man. Every character of Ford's Stagecoach was derived from the ‘B' westerns to years before. Each one is usually introduced in that genre of the ‘B' western. Ford has a unique way he portrays these characters. He shed new light on stereotypes that are not commonly broken. It truly was one of the many factors that made this film unique.

Friday, July 19, 2019

history :: essays research papers

At the time that Gotham City was situated, the political condition of the country was undergoing major transition. There was great need for politicians to take up opportunities created by the masses as a leverage for their own cause. Gotham City with its infrastructure would have been an ideal situation for any political figure to take up and use it for his own advantage. Michael Curley, who has been a democratic candidate himself, was keen on individuality. He had been nominated for Boston’s mayor several times but he had not been able to achieve significant success with Congress due his criminal background. Curley would have suggested that the town continues to develop the Gotham district that was thriving and at the same time the immigrant groups should be paid more attention. Curley believed that every person is entitled to social rights. Even if he was charged with fraud himself and jailed, the Bostinanian believed in individuality. He belived that any misuse of public rights should be rectified by law. In the case of Gotham City, the rights of the immigrants were being misuse; therefore they should be given their due rights. Similarly, George Washington Plunkitt (1842-1924) would also have the opinion that people whether poor or rich should be given opportunities to rectify their situation. He believed in dealing with any situation in an honest manner, not through dishonest black mailing etc. He believed every man is an opportunist and he should use such opportunities to better his cause. Whether these opportunities comes in the form of rectification of a city living standards or investing in a project. With Gotham City’s background an opportunist should take up the situation in his own hand to improve the condition of the city. With an infrastructure like Gotham, Plunkitt would have considered the city a good investment. To improve the condition of the city, they would have to improve the living condition of the immigrants further. This way they would build a stronger city and labor force for the meager industrial structure further. On the other hand Woodrow Wilson with his Princeton background would have a different view for reorganization of Gotham City. Wilson gained a Ph.D. and professorhood when he became president of Princeton in 1902. His main concern was to reorganize the curriculum and introduction of preceptorial system of instruction to provide individualized education to the masses.

The Depiction of Women in The Yellow Wallpaper and The Chrysanthemums

The Depiction of Women in "The Yellow Wallpaper," by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and "The Chrysanthemums," by John Steinbeck Identical twins have the same genes that make both of them look, think, and feel the same. Their likes and dislikes are the same; for instance, when one likes yellow, the other will like yellow. However, their fortunes are different; for instance, when one dies, the other will not die. Similarly, in literature, different authors have created a twin character in different eras. It is as if a second twin sister was born forty years after the first one was born. In "The Yellow Wallpaper," written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ( 1892) and "The Chrysanthemums," written by John Steinbeck (1938), both stories are similar in characterization and setting. They differ, however, in their points of view and the symbolism. Each actual symbol is different, but its meaning is the same. Although they differ in many different ways, both show that being trapped inside an isolated house and having a limited life under a husband's control leads to a miserable ending of a woman's life. While Gilman uses a lonely, big house where her main character stays for three months, Steinbeck creates a small farmhouse where Elisa lives and works. This definitely addresses their loneliness and isolation. Elisa works in her flower garden in which she plants chrysanthemums bigger than anyone does in the Salinas Valley. She works alone in her small garden that is surrounded with a "wire fence" to protect from "cattle and dogs and chickens" (Steinbeck 503). She lives in a small farmhouse that is far away from other houses, which makes her feel as if she is isolated from her society. Steinbeck sets the Salinas Valley as if it is also isola... ...eir messages of the stories are the same. So now, just think about why they have many similar thoughts toward women. Works Cited Charter, Ann, and Samuel Charters, eds. Literature and its Writers: A Compact Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 3rd ed. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2003. Steinbeck, John. "The Chrysanthemums." Literature and its Writers: A Compact Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 3 rd ed.Ed. Ann Charter and SamuelCharter. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2003. 502 - 510. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. "The Yellow Wallpaper." Literature and its Writers: A Compact Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 3 rd ed. Ed. Ann Charter and Samuel Charter. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2003. 182- 193. Gilbert, Sandra M., and Gubar, Susan. "A Feminist Reading of Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." Charters and Charters 564- 566.